Small Spaces in the City: Rethinking Inside the Box - 8th September 2023 to 27th January 2024

Written by: Jean-Charles Lacoste



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Small Spaces in the City: Rethinking Inside the Box

Small Spaces in the City: Rethinking Inside the Box

About the Exhibition

Set within the Roca London Gallery, the "Small Spaces in the City: Rethinking Inside the Box" exhibition runs from 8th September 2023 to 27th January 2024. It aims to challenge the conventional wisdom around micro-living in urban settings, where the reduction of space conflicts with an increasing demand for residential and working areas.

The Challenge of Micro-Living

Micro-living often comes with concerns regarding loneliness, health, and wellbeing. Despite this, the movement towards smaller household sizes is growing. The exhibition, curated by Clare Farrow Studio, presents innovative solutions to these challenges through designs that are not only space-efficient but also conducive to a healthy and joyful way of living.

Innovative Designs

Featuring a rich array of designs, the exhibit includes various mediums such as models, illustrations, and films, offering a window into the creative responses to space limitations by designers from across the globe.

Experiential Learning

The exhibit is further enriched with interviews, research, and experimental explorations into the practicality and aesthetic dimensions of living in small spaces. The specially commissioned film with William Bracewell of the Royal Ballet is a testament to the exhibit's immersive approach.

Interactive Elements

Attendees will experience an interactive dimension through explorations of movement within confined spaces, emphasizing the importance of health and wellbeing.

Contributors to the Conversation

Among the array of contributors, the exhibit showcases ideas from renowned architects and designers such as Proctor & Shaw, Intervention Architecture, and Satoko Shinohara, to name a few.

Global Perspectives

The exhibition includes the ingenious works of Takeshi Hosaka, the Kuma Lab, Gary Chang, and other illustrious figures in architecture, bringing a global perspective to the dialogue on small-space living.

Not to be missed!

"Small Spaces in the City: Rethinking Inside the Box" is a pivotal exhibition for those intrigued by the evolution of urban living spaces. With its free entry, it stands as an essential visit for enthusiasts and professionals alike in the realms of architecture, design, and urban development.